
2022 As workflow chair of the IJCAI-ECAI2022 conference, I helped process over 4000 paper submissions.

Program committee member

ECMLPKDD European Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining

PC member - 2024

UAI Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence

PC member - 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

JMLR Journal of Machine Learning Research

reviewed - 2023

ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence

PC member - 2023

IJCAI-ECAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Workflow Chair - 2022

KDD Conference on knowledge discovery and data mining

subreviewer - 2019


2023 I received a top reviewer award at UAI2023!
2019 The FWO granted me a personal 4-year PhD fellowship!


2019-2024 Logic for Computer Science

Teaching exercise sessions on the foundations of logic. Besides providing an introduction to predicate logic, this course teaches students to make precise statements and perform formal reasoning.

2018-2020 Database Systems

Teaching exercise sessions about databases. This course explains the basic principles behind a database, touching upon concepts such as relational algebra, relational calculus, writing SQL queries, etc.

Thesis Advisor

2019 Predicting travel times of vessels to multiple locks using support vector regression